The Consulting Career Academy
We have solutions for every stage of your consulting aspirations.
The gameplan changes depending on where you are in your career. While the top consulting firms will always look for the same general qualities, the way you need to express those will change depending on your career stage. We can help you find the right strategies to make your consulting goals materialize.
Our CCA experts
Our experts have experienced the top levels of the illustrious MBB, have M7 MBA experience, and have helped hundreds of folks navigate the challenge of presenting a compelling value proposition, demonstrating exceptional strength in essential skills, and convincing hiring managers to select you over equally-qualified applicants. Our services are designed specifically for those pursuing consulting at any point along their career, whether straight out of undergrad, post-MBA, or deep into your career after years of accumulated experience.
Let’s Get StartedOur services and pricing.
Our options are flexible enough to support applicants with a wide variety of needs and budgets.
Our experts.
Professionals with top credentials, extensive experience and documented success.
23 HBS, GSB, Wharton 10 MBB
9 Bulge Bracket Meet Our TeamOur success is your success.
Our disciplined approach that combines experience plus methodology yields a customized admission strategy for every applicant type.
Frequently asked questions.
Your future starts now.
Our process begins with a free consultation for us to get to know each other, to ensure that your needs align with our style and offerings.
Let’s Get Started
Additional Consulting Career Academy Details
Head over to our Pricing page for more color on our consultation engagements and pricing options.